Welcome and Announcements Doxology in honour of our 37th Anniversary Key Verse and Invocational Prayer Kid's DiscipleLand Segment - "Llamas and Spaghetti" Praise and Worship -- "The Lord Almighty Reigns";…
Welcome and Announcements Kid's DiscipleLand Segment - "The Big Picture" Scripture Reading - John 5 : 16--30 Message - "The Astounding Authority of Jesus Christ" Benediction
Welcome and Announcements Kid's DiscipleLand Segment Scripture Reading - John 5 : 1-18 Message - Swimming Pools and Saviours Benediction
Welcome and Announcements Kid's DiscipleLand Segment Scripture Reading - John 4 : 27-42 Message - The Burning Heart of Witnessing Benediction
Welcome and Announcements Kid's DiscipleLand Segment Scripture Reading - 1 Samuel 2 : 1-11 Message - The Prayer of Hannah Benediction